Today we held our usual Christmas Meet with the now famous raffle! Bob Bevan did manage to secure a few prizes to put into the special box prepared for him by Alf Milliken – it was printed on all sides “Bob’s Box for raffle prizes” or similar wording. Much hilarity was evident with Bob being the good sport he is giving as good as he received. Very many thanks to those who attended today, who generously donated great prizes and who dug deep in pockets to raise a total of £219 on the raffle. Sixteen members signed in plus 3 visitors and it was particularly pleasing to see Syd Michael, Tony Hayselden with his wife Joan, Carol Gath and also Bill Jackson.

Thanks to Tony Gath and Carol for the sale of the raffle tickets and the job of folding the stubs ready for the draw.

The additional attraction in the yard of both American and Classic British Cars was superb and we are sure the Heritage Centre enjoyed a nice boost of income from sales at the cafe counter.

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