Achivement Program (AP)

At the November Meet, Terry Wynne will address the Achievement Program to explain the program and hopefully to generate some member interest in participation.  He will also give a report on the October Convention in Derby. Additionally, in preparation for the Christmas Raffle on 13 December, check through your collection and see what might be […]

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Train Orders November 2015

New members: We extend a warm welcome to Basil Stevens of Merseyside who has joined the NMRA in our Division area. We hope that Basil will consider becoming a part of the Calder Northern Group. From Carlisle, we welcome Steven Brown as a new member. Les has introduced Steven to Brian Neville and we hope […]

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Train Orders – September 2015

Thanks: Fall has arrived and with the days drawing in to early darkness, it is time to get to your modeling work bench, dust off a project that might have been set aside for the summer, and get back to some modeling activity. To start off with, I wish to thank Terry for issuing the […]

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Meeting Note for October

October meet information:  Brian Neville will present his work on Layout Planning. Brian has worked on this presentation for some time and would like to invite as many members as can be present for this discussion.  Please put this date on your calendar as a don’t miss meeting. […]

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This Train Orders is one where we have a number of thank you messages to get out of the way before we go on to other matters. First, thank you to those persons who turned up to help move the layout on the Wednesdays either side of the Railwayana Auction at the Heritage Centre on […]

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