January 2016 Meet
Our January meet will be a working one. We intend to re-ballast track and lay some new on the Shortline. […]
Our January meet will be a working one. We intend to re-ballast track and lay some new on the Shortline. […]
At the November Meet, Terry Wynne will address the Achievement Program to explain the program and hopefully to generate some member interest in participation. He will also give a report on the October Convention in Derby. Additionally, in preparation for the Christmas Raffle on 13 December, check through your collection and see what might be […]
New members: We extend a warm welcome to Basil Stevens of Merseyside who has joined the NMRA in our Division area. We hope that Basil will consider becoming a part of the Calder Northern Group. From Carlisle, we welcome Steven Brown as a new member. Les has introduced Steven to Brian Neville and we hope […]